A quick FAQ section for you

Hey this is a honeypot!! You're trying to steal my moniessss

Don't fret! We know what it looks like but let us explain!!! The entire point of this game is a play on honeypots, psychology, and game theory. We created Killswitch with these 3 things in mind.

The contract uses honeypot technology by disabling sells when the killswitch is triggered. This does NOT mean it's a traditional honeypot.

Traditional honeypots:

1) Do not tell you they are honeypots.

2) Do not comment in their contract explaining what the honeypots do and how they can be turned on or off by anybody.

3) Allow devs and whitelisted addresses to sell at any time

Killswitch is different:

1) We tell you there is honeypot tech here.

2) The contract is clear about what the goal is. This is a game. Any transfer of tokens has a chance at triggering the honeypot.

3) When the Killswitch is triggered, NOBODY CAN SELL, INCLUDING THE DEVS

My telegram bot won't let me buy!

If your bot does not allow you to buy, check that there is an Alpha mode available. Some bots have marked the contract as a honeypot and will only let pro-users purchase tokens. If the killswitch is active, your bot probably won't let you buy the tokens since the simulation to sell will fail, in this case, you should purchase directly through Uniswap.

Why isn't ownership renounced?

We need to keep ownership due to a part of the game that requires some moderation. People in-theory could setup different liquidity pools and have a way to sell their tokens through there that would get around the official liquidity pool which the killswitch checks. To get around this, we use a mapping of liquidity pairs so that we can set a pair as an LP and disable transfers to said pair. That is the only function that is ownable and modifiable by the devs.

Last updated